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Creating an Organisation Record


Organisation Records represent business entities within the CRM. They can be related to a Person, Leads, Opportunities, Meetings or Calls.

To begin creating an Organisation record in the CRM, start by navigating to the Organisation module in the Contacts menu.

Organisation Creation Methods

You will notice that there are multiple options for creating an Organisation in the menu on the left hand side:

Create Organisation – This is the most common method for creating an Organisation record from scratch.

Import Organisation – This method is used for importing information on multiple accounts from a spreadsheet.

Create from Companies House – This creates the Organisation  by pulling across the information of the company this is found on Companies House.

For this example, we’ll be using the Create Organisation option.

Organisation Overview Panel

On the Overview Panel, enter basic information about the Organisation. 

For example; Name, Primary Contact, Sector, Website & Telephone Number

Business Types
You can also define the Business Type using the drop down menu on the right hand side of the Overview Panel. 

Organisation Address Panel

The Address Panel is the tab to enter Organisation address information. 

Other Panels

You can add additional information in the panel tabs along the top such as Marketing, Financial and Trading information. You also have a KYC check option.

When you’ve entered all the information into the Organisation record that you require click Save & Close

Editing an Organisation

If at any point you wish to change the information in the Organisation record. You can navigate back to the record using either;

The Search bar in the top right of the screen.

Navigating back to the Organisation Modules and using the Quick Filter function.     


Once you have located the correct Organisation record, simply using the Actions Menu on the right hand side and select Edit.

When you have made all the changes that are required. Click 
Save and Close once again to finish updating the Organisation. 






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