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Setting the Professional Clearance Letter Template to be Used – User Guide

Setting the Professional Clearance Template

Professional Clearance Letters are set up as email templates in the CRM. First set up your professional clearance letter as an email template. For details on how to do that please see our user guide: Admin Guide – Creating and Editing Email Templates – FibreCRM Support Portal  

Once created as email template you can set it to automatically selected to be set when a user sends a Professional Clearance Letter to an Organisation/Person record. To do this first navigate to your username in the top right hand corner of the screen and select Admin.

In Admin scroll down to the FibreCRM modules section and select CRM Options.

In CRM Options go to the Professional Clearance Template for Organisations and Professional Clearance Template for People click the select arrows to choose a template.

The select arrow will bring up a pop up box with a list of templates. Choose the template you’d like to use. 

Once you’ve selected the templates you’d like to use click Save

The templates you’ve selected will now be automatically selected for a user in Send Professional Clearance Letter pop up box.

Cheat Sheet

To download the Seting the Professional Clearance Letter Template Cheat Sheet click here

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