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Changing Your Password

System Generated Password

If you forget your password and ask our support team to reset it for you, then it is only valid for 30 days. You will need to go into the CRM system and reset your password to one you’ll remember. 

Resetting your Password

Log into FibreCRM using your system generated password. Hover over your name in the top right, and go to Profile:

Once on your profile, go to the Password tab:

Then complete the form with the required details, make sure your new password is memorable and secure:

Strong Passwords

  • Are a minimum of eight (8) characters in length
  • Are memorized
  • Contain at least one (1) character from three (3) of the following categories: 
    Uppercase letter (A-Z)
    Lowercase letter (a-z)
    Digit (0-9)
    Special Characters ( ~`!@#$%^&*()+=_-{}[]\ | :;”’?/<>,.)
  • Are private     
Once you have put in your new password, click Save and you’re done!

New Password in the Outlook Addon

If you have the outlook addon, you will need to put your new password in so that it can sync with your CRM. Open your Outlook and go to the Implicit FrontEnd tab, then Options:

You then need to put your new password in on the General tab, next to Password.

Once you’ve done this, click Verify:

Then click OK in the bottom right and you’re done.

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