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Creating a Saved Search – User Guide

What are Saved Searches (Filters)?

Saved Searches (Filters) are a great way to quickly hide Leads/Organisations/People from the list view who you don’t want to see. In this guide, we’ll be focused on creating a saved search in the Leads Module, but the process is the same if you’re creating a saved search in Organisations or People.

Creating a Saved Search (Filter)

Log into FibreCRM and navigate to the module you want the search in (in this example, we’re going to Leads). On the list view, click the funnel icon:

You’ll get a pop-up window, go to the Advanced Filter tab and then scroll to the bottom and hit Clear. This will remove any previous search parameters you had applied before we create our new search:

Now we’re ready to start our filter. You might want to filter by Lead Status, in which case you’re likely to want to see more than one status e.g. new, assigned and converted (i.e. filter out all converted and dead leads). You can do this by holding down Ctrl and left clicking on all the options you want to filter on. If you wanted to only see active leads, it would look a bit like this:

When you hit Save the CRM will then search the module for what you’ve set.

If you want to remove your search criteria, click the little red x:

If you’d like to re-apply your filter, you can quickly find it by click on My Filters and then selecting it from the list:

Cheat Sheet

To download the Creating a Saved Search Cheat Sheet click here

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