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Creating an Opportunity – User Guide

Creating an Opportunity

Opportunity Records represent the early stage prospective clients within the CRM. They can be related to a Lead, Person, Organisation, Meeting or Call.

To view & create Opportunity records, start by navigating to the Opportunities module using the Navigation Menu.

Opportunities created for new clients are typically created directly from a Lead record being converted. However, if the Opportunity relates to an existing Organisation or Person record (For example, a successful Cross-Selling of a new service) an Opportunity record can be created without the need for a record.

For this example, we will use the Create Opportunity option located on the left hand side.

The first tab you will see in an Opportunity record is the Sales tab.

Here you will enter the high level information about the Opportunity – Such as selecting the existing Organisation or Person record related to it.

You will also be able to manage the Sales Stage of the Opportunity here. A sales stage identifies the current stage that the opportunity is in during the sales cycle. An opportunity can typically progress through several Sales Stages from prospecting until it is marked either Closed Won or Closed Lost. When the user selects a sales stage in the opportunity record, they can manually set the probability of success in the probability field. These probability values are useful as it helps to calculate and predict the sales forecast for a specified time period.

If an Opportunity is lost, the Other tab lets you give a reason as to why the Opportunity was lost.

On the right is the Lead Source, If your lead source is a referrer then leave the box blank and use the referred by contact or account options located here, if the Opportunity has been created by converting a lead then the lead source will be automatically filled based on the lead record.

The Lines Items is the place to add the various one-off or recurring services for that Opportunity. You can use the Search Arrow icon to browse the list of services or enter the item code if you know it. Once you’ve selected a service, you can enter a unit price, as well as the sales stage for each item.

Once you have entered all the information into the Opportunity that you require, click Save & Close.

Editing an Opportunity

To edit an Opportunity record, use the Search Bar in the top right of the CRM screens or navigate back to the Opportunities module and use the Search Filter in the list view.

Once you have located the record you wish to edit. Select the Edit option from the Actions Menu. Make all the changes you wish and then click Save & Close once more.

Cheat Sheet

To download the Creating an Opportunity Cheat Sheet click here

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