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Creating Bulk Activities, Notes & Tasks – User Guide


The Bulk Activity Creator is a simple tool that allows you to assign a custom made common Task or Note to all selected records in either the People or Organisation Modules. This can used to a task that needs to take place or to make a note of a change for multiple records

This can also be used to make a record of activity that has been done outside of CRM that might not be logged. For example if you’re sending out multiple physical letters to people or organisations you can now use this feature to store a note on the records to say that the activity had taken place. If you’re sending out letters you could upload an attachment showing what letter was sent. 

Create Bulk Activity

To create a bulk activity first navigate to the Person or Organisation module you wish to apply the bulk action to. In the list view of the module, select the records you with to apply the action to by using the tick box on the left hand side. You can use Custom Search Filters to narrow your search and hit Select All if this is faster.

Once you have the records selected, navigate to the Bulk Actions Menu and select Create Bulk Activity.

This will bring up a pop up window where you can use the toggle at the top to select whether you want to create a Task or Note and assign to the Partner, Manager or User. If you create a Task you will need to enter a Subject, Start/End Date and Description. You can also set the Priority.

If you select Create Note you will need to enter a Subject and a Note in the note field. You can also add an Attachment if needed.

If you choose to assign the Note/Task to a User, a user field will appear. There you can select the User using the Select Arrow. Once you’ve complete all the information about the Note/Task click Save.

A pop up will appear asking if you’d like to create the Task/Note click OK. Your Tasks/Notes will then be created.

Cheat Sheet

To download the Bulk Activities Creator cheat sheet click here

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