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New FibreCRM Layout Theme 2024


We have given the system a little refresh and a new theme is now available in FibreCRM. This new theme is engineered to enhance user experience and will become default for all systems eventually, however for the time being you will have the option to switch back to the old theme if you would like.

If you would like your system to have the new theme in your firms branding then this is available at a cost. Contact one of the FibreCRM team for more information.

Switching Themes

To switch back to the old FibreCRM theme navigate to your user name in the top right hand corner of your screen next to the search bar. In the drop down menu select Profile.

In your profile go to the Layout Options Tab and in the Layout Options section you will see the style field. Use the drop down to select which theme you would like.

Day = The new FibreCRM theme

FibreCRM 2023 Theme = The previous FibreCRM Theme.

Once selected click Save & Close. The theme you selected will then be applied.

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