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In FibreCRM, you can add details into a users profile such as their job title, work phone and a description. This information can then be pulled automatically items that you create such as proposals using specific merge codes.
If you’re an admin and setting up another users profile navigate to the top right hand corner and select Admin.
Next, select User Management
In the list of users select the user you’d like to update and then it will take you to their User Profile.
In the user profile select Edit from the Actions Menu to add information and then scroll down to and expand Employee Information.
If your a regular user and setting up your own user bio, navigate to your username in the top right hand corner and select Profile to go to your User Profile. Then scroll down and expand Employee Information.
In Employee Information, fill in details such as Job Title, Work Phone and a Description. Once filled in this information can then be pulled through to create team/staff information in items such as Proposals. You can also upload a photo to your profile. Photos uploaded must be sized 300×277. Once you’ve filled in all the required information click Save & Close.