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Setting User Preferences – User Guide

Setting your preferences for date / time formats

Every user can customise some aspects of their CRM experience.

This includes dates, time and name formats.

To do this, click on your name in the top right and then you go to profile.

Then click on “Advanced”

Scroll down to “Locale Settings”. Here you can change date, time and name formats by changing them using the drop-down menus. You can change your time zone, currency, first day of the week etc. 

When you have amended your preferences as you wish, press “Save”

Setting your preferences for the menu ribbon

As before, go to your Profile, but this time go to the “Layout Options” tab.

On the section “Select Modules for Navigation Bar” you can hide modules by moving them to the right using the arrows. Click on the module name, then on the right arrow and it will move to the “Hide Modules” column. To unhide, simply do the reverse. You can also change the order modules will appear in the top menu ribbon by moving them up and down the list using the arrows on the left.

Hit save when you’re happy!

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